Empire Bay Public School

Learning to Live

Telephone02 4369 1796


Useful websites

Parents and teachers, please check websites before students visit them and report any bad or broken links.


The 'Australian Biodiversity' teacher resource book is crammed with useful information and activities for all stages of learning. Produced by the Aust science teachers Association to celebrate National Science Week, ithas been designed to provide teachers with ideas to increase knowledge and understanding about the broad scope of Australian Biodiversity and its unique place on the world stage, within the context of a celebration of National Science Week.

Free to download at asta.edu.au/national_science_week_2010

Also with a focus on biodiversity: curriculumsupport.education.nsw.gov.au has identified teaching strategies and student resources including quick links to video resources developed for 2010 International Year of Biodiversity, curriculumsupport.education.nsw.gov.au/env_ed/teaching/student/ has a focus on biodiversity and Sites2See for  biodiversity. nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/npws.nsf/Content/Teachers_kit_biodiversity a Biodiversity for Kids Teachers kit -NPWS biodiversityhotspots.org - interactive map. For a full range of resources go to TaLe and search using the term "biodiversity". tale.edu.au/tale